

SPECIAL ISSUE Entangling technological infrastructures, material flows and environmental modernities

Guest editors: Stathis Arapostathis & Frank Veraart ICON Vol. 28.1 (2023): 1-179 Stathis Arapostathis and Frank Veraart Introduction: Entangling Technological Infrastructures, Material Flows and Environmental Modernities, p. 9-23 John Martin British Agricultural Revolutions: The Dissemination and Assimilation of More Productive Methods, p. 24-47 Show abstract   Sotiris Alexakis and Stathis Arapostathis From Exploitation

ARTICLE Sustainability’s “Other”: Coming to Terms with the Electric Rickshaw in Bangladesh

van der Straeten, Jonas. 2022. Sustainability’s “Other”: Coming to Terms with the Electric Rickshaw in Bangladesh. Historical Social Research 47 (4): 139-167. doi: 10.12759/hsr.47.2022.42. Abstract: The transition from fossil fuel-powered to electric mobility is widely discussed as a trajectory towards more efficient, affordable, and sustainable transport infrastructure. Widely ignored in academia, this transition has occurred

2022-12-23T13:44:49+01:00December 23rd, 2022|Energie, Global History, Mobility, Publications, Sustainability|

BOOK CHAPTER Regional sustainability hi/stories: Crisis narratives from the Dutch soyacene

Soyacene hi-stories You can also find the Chapter and the Book online: Chapter: Book: Abstract: This chapter argues that a global environmental history of the Soyacene must not only study sustainability issues produced at sites of soy cultivation (notably in the Americas) and trade, but also those at sites of soy consumption. We

SPECIAL ISSUE: Science, Technology & Socio-ecological Change in the Postcolonial Anthropocene

This Special Issue is a key publication of our Global Sustainability History project GREASE. It is inspired by a workshop we organized in Lisbon in 2019, which was designed as an engagement between specialists on histories of technology & the environment in various continents. EHL's Erik van der Vleuten co-edited the si and co-authored the

ARTICLE: Cycling , Climate Change and Air Pollution

Brand, Christian, Henk-Jan Dekker, and Frauke Behrendt. 2022. “Cycling , Climate Change and Air Pollution.” In Advances in Transport Policy and Planning, edited by Eva Heinen and Thomas Götschi, 1–30.   Abstract Cycling is considered a healthy and sustainable form of getting from A to B. The net effects of the various forms of

2022-06-01T17:04:21+02:00June 1st, 2022|Mobility, Publications, Sustainability|

BOOK: No Bicycle, No Bus, No Job: The Making of Workers’ Mobility in the Netherlands, 1920-1990

By Patrick Bek The dissertation is available in the TUE repository. Table of contents: Acknowledgements 5Figures 9Introduction 111 Responding to the Transport Mismatch, 1920-1940 352 Protesting Bus Regulations during the Depression, 1926-1938 593 Mobility Austerity during War and Scarcity, 1940-1947 714 Mobility Barriers during Postwar Industrialization, 1947-1970 895 Postwar Mobility Practices, 1947-1970 996 Disciplining Cyclists

2021-12-19T22:08:11+01:00December 19th, 2021|Mobility, Publications, Sustainability|

BOOK: Cycling Pathways: The Politics and Governance of Dutch Cycling Infrastructure, 1920-2020

By Henk-Jan Dekker   LINK   Abstract In an effort to fight climate change, many cities try to boost their cycling levels. They often look towards the Dutch for guidance. However, historians have only begun to uncover how and why the Netherlands became the premier cycling country of the world. Why were Dutch cyclists so

2021-12-19T22:12:37+01:00December 1st, 2021|Mobility, Publications, Sustainability|

New colleague: Gijs ten Berge

Gijs ten Berge is an external PhD candidate who graduated his master’s degree in History at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in 2015. He wrote his thesis on the role of collective memory in Serbia in the run-up to the Balkan war of the early 1990s. After graduating, he started working as a researcher, analyst and customer

2021-11-11T11:45:15+01:00September 1st, 2021|News, Sustainability|

ARTICLE Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research

Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research Energy Research & Social Science 70 (2020): 1-35 Benjamin K. Sovacool, David J. Hess, … Erik van der Vleuten (+ 15) The field of science and technology studies (STS) has introduced and developed a “sociotechnical” perspective that has been

2020-12-09T11:14:14+01:00November 25th, 2020|Energie, Publications, Sustainability|

ARTICLE The sociotechnical roots of smart mobility: Bike sharing since 1965

The sociotechnical roots of smart mobility: Bike sharing since 1965 Journal of Transport History. 41, 2, p. 134-159 J. Ploeger, R. Oldenziel 1 Aug 2020 The search for “smart” or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based mobility solutions goes back to at least the 1960s. The Provo anarchist Luud Schimmelpennink

2020-12-09T11:15:07+01:00August 1st, 2020|Mobility, Publications, Sustainability|
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