Modern and contemporary history of innovation, socio-technical transitions, and sustainability challenges

The Eindhoven History Lab researches the transnational history of technology and socio-ecological change in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.

Our current program places into historical perspective today’s public, scholarly and engineering debates on global crises, ‘grand’ societal challenges, and Sustainable Development Goals—and the ambivalent role(s) of technology therein.


For research projects by our Foundation for the History of Technology SHT please see here

Technology & Societal Challenges 1800-2050

Published program overviews & research agendas: [English, 2020][English, 2019][Dutch, 2018][English 2017]

Textbook: [introduction 2017]

Transnational research network & more links:  Tensions of Europe

De kwetsbare welvaart van Nederland

Een duurzaamheidsgeschiedenis van Nederland