Read the latest research and book reviews in Technology and Culture!

We are proud to present the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology; it draws on scholarship in diverse disciplines to publish insightful pieces intended for general readers as well as specialists.


April 2023, Volume 64, No. 2


On the Cover 

Visual Images in Sound Studies | Keisuke Yamada


Research Articles

Debating New Media: Rethinking Communications History | Richard John


Mobilizing Citizens’ Ears: Aural Training as Civil Defense, 1941-45 | Keisuke Yamado  

Sound on the Quiet: Speaker Identification and Auditory Objectivity in Czechoslovak Fonoscopy, 1975-90 | Anna Kvicalova 


Patents In Miniature: The Effects of Microfilm as an Information Technology, 1938-68 | Jose Bellido


The Engineer as Economist: Sewers and the Making of the Water Consumer in Colonial Cairo, 1890 | Shebab Ismail


To Dam or Not to Dam: The Social Construction of an Ottoman Hydraulic Project, 1701–02 | Faisal H. Husain


The Search for Independence: Planning for France’s Information Technology Autonomy, 1958–66 | Laureen Kuo


Improving Swedish Steelmaking: Circulation and Localized Knowledge-Making in Early Modernity | Måns Jansson and Göran Rydén






Taking Up Neglected Histories | Suzanne Moon





Society for the History of Technology Awards and Fellowships 2022



Review Essays


The Machine Age: Curation and Memory in Two U. S. Exhibits | Thomas C. Cornillie


Portuguese History Since the Late Middle Ages Through the History of Technology: A Four Volume Overview | Lino Camprubí




Book Reviews


Review of Technology in World Civilization: A Thousand-Year History by Arnold Pacey and Francesca Bray | Jennifer Karns Alexander


Review of Extinct: A Compendium of Obsolete Objects edited by Barbara Penner, Adrian Forty, Olivia Horsfall Turner, and Miranda Critchley | Allison Marsh


Review of L’animal et l’homme: De l’exploitation à la sauvegarde edited by Anne-Marie Flambard-Héricher and François Blary | Violette Pouillard


Review of The History of Forensic Science in India by Saumitra Basu | Saurav Kumar Rai

Review of From Savage Minds to Savage Machines: Racial Science and Twentieth-Century Design by Ginger Nolan |Émeline Brulé


Review of Performance Space and Stage Technologies: A Comparative Perspective on Theatre History edited by Nawata Yuji and Hans Joachim Dethlefs | Pascale Aebischer


Review of Spatial Revolution: Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet Union by Christina E. Crawford | Iva Glisic


Review of Robo sapiens japanicus: Robots, Gender, Family, and the Japanese Nation by Jennifer Robertson | Rodrigo Ochigame


Review of The Matter of Black Living: The Aesthetic Experiment of Racial Data, 1880–1930 by Autumn Womanck | Rayvon Fouché


Review of Charged: A History of Batteries and Lessons for a Clean Energy Future by James Morton Turner | Richard F. Hirsh


Review of Making Energy Markets: The Origins of Electricity Liberalisation in Europe by Ronan Bolton | Yves Bouvier


Review of Tóxicos invisibles: La construcción de la ignorancia ambiental edited by Ximo Guillem-Llobat and Agustí Nieto-Galan | Laura Barbier


Review of The Paradox of Democracy: Free Speech, Open Media, and Perilous Persuasion by Zac Gershberg and Sean Illing | Ray Brescia


Review of When the Nerds Go Marching In: How Digital Technology Moved from the Margins to the Mainstream of Political Campaigns by Rachel K. Gibson | Ken Rogerson

Review of Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media edited by Matthew Hockenberry, Nicole Starosielski, and Susan Zieger | Noah Arceneaux


Review of Papal Bull: Print, Politics and Propaganda in Renaissance Rome by Margaret Meserve | Christa Lundberg


Review of The Charisma Machine: The Life, Death, and Legacy of One Laptop per Child by Morgan G. Ames | Daniel Lövheim


Review of Arte Programmata: Freedom, Control, and the Computer in 1960s Italy by Lindsay Caplan | W. Patrick McCray


Review of Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society edited by Janet Abbate and Stephanie Dick | Valérie Schafer


Review of Cyber and the City: Securing London’s Banks in the Computer Age by Ashley Sweetman | Jacob Ward


Review of A History of Financial Technology and Regulation: From American Incorporation to Cryptocurrency and Crowdfunding by Seth C. Oranburg | Florian Vetter


Review of Software Rights: How Patent Law Transformed Software Development in America by Gerardo Con Díaz | Dan L. Burk


Review of Transparent Designs: Personal Computing and the Politics of User-Friendliness by Michael Black | Luke Fernandez


Review of Atomic Doctors: Conscience and Complicity at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age by James L. Nolan, Jr. | Abena Dove Osseo-Asare


Review of Une longue marche vers l’indépendance et la transparence: l’histoire de l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire française by Philippe Saint Raymond and Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator by Gregory B. Jaczko | Albert Presas i Puig


Review of Discordant Memories: Atomic Age Narratives and Visual Culture by Alison Fields | Robert Jacobs


Review of Life in Space: NASA Life Sciences Research during the Late Twentieth Century by Maura Phillips Mackowski | Alwin J. Cubasch


Review of Assured Access: A History of the US Air Force Space Launch Enterprise, 1945–2020 by David N. Spires | Michael W. Hankins


Review of Beyond Sputnik and the Space Race: The Origins of Global Satellite Communications by Hugh R. Slotten |Roger D. Launius


Review of Delta of Power: The Military-Industrial Complex by Alex Roland | Jonson Miller


Review of Science and Apocalypse in Bertrand Russell: A Cultural Sociology by Javier Pérez-Jara and Lino Camprubí | Carl Mitcham


Review of Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America by Mario Daniels and John Krige | Torsten Kathke


Review of Brain Magnet: Research Triangle Park and the Idea of the Idea Economy by Alex Sayf Cummings | Karen A. Rader


Review of Chasing Automation: The Politics of Technology and Jobs from the Roaring Twenties to the Great Society by Jerry Prout | G. Pascal Zachary


Review of Strands of Modernization: The Circulation of Technology and Business Practices in East Asia, 1850–1920edited by David B. Sicilia and David G. Wittner | Mila Davids


Review of Railways’ Economic Impact on Uttar Pradesh and Colonial North India (1860–1914): The Iron Raj by Ian D. Derbyshire | David Arnold


Review of Western Technology and China’s Industrial Development: Steamship Building in Nineteenth-Century China, 1828–1895 by Hsien-ch’un | Bert Becker


Review of Timber and Forestry in Qing China: Sustaining the Market by Meng Zhang | Faizah Zakaria


Review of Chronicles of Mechanical Engineering in the United States edited by Thomas H. Fehring and Terry S. Reynolds | Peter Liebhold